Break My Fall

Break My Fall
Break My Fall
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Quality : DVDRip (avi-702MB) Release Date : 2010 Genres : Animation | Action | game Starring : James Faulkner, Reiko Kiuchi, Luci Christian Language : English Sinopsis :Kisah Halo Legends disajikan dalam 7 chapter/episode. Dalam episode Original 1 & 2, Diperkenalkan asal-muasal kata "HALO" Serta realita dibalik kehancuran dan terlahirnya kembali dunia. Cerita akan terus berlanjut dalam satu dunia yang sama sampai episode 6. di episode 7 akan...[Readmore]

TMNT : Turtles Forever (2009) DVDScr 300Mb

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Release Date : 21 November 2009 (2009) Genres : Animation | Action | Adventure | Comedy | Thriller Language : English Runtime : 90 min TRAILER DOWNLOAD Part1 DOWNLOAD Part2 Note : join dengan HJsplit DOWNLOAD Subtitle indone...[Readmore]

Muhammad The Last Prophet 2002 DVDRip 300Mb

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Date Release : 14 November 2004 (USA) Genres : Animation Language : English | French Subtitle : English/Indonesia TRAILER DOWNLOAD Part1 DOWNLOAD Part2 Note : join dengan HJsplit DOWNLOAD Subtitl...[Readmore]

CJ7 - The Cartoon DVDRip 350 Mb

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Date Release : 9 July 2010 (China) Genres : Animation Language : Chinese Subtitle : English/indonesia TRAILER DOWNLOAD Part1 DOWNLOAD Part2 note : join dengan HJsp...[Readmore]

The Warrior's Way (2010) BDRip 325Mb

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Release : 3 Desember 2010 Genre : Action | Fantasy | Western Cast : Dong-gun Jang, Kate Bosworth, Geoffrey Rush Quality : BDRip | 100 mins | Res : 624 x 256 Plot : A Warrior-assassin is Forced to hide in a small town in the American badland after refusing a mission TAILER Download Single Part 325Mb [mkv] DOWNLOAD.file ============================ Download AVI 700Mb Download Part1  Download Part2 Download Part3  Download Par...[Readmore]

Yellow Card - When You're Through Thinking , Say Yes [2011]

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Tracklist: 01. The Sound of You And Me 02. For You, And Your Denial 03. With You Around 04. Hang You Up 05. Life of Leaving Home 06. Hide 07. Soundtrack 08. Sing for Me 09. See Me Smiling 10. Be the Young -------------------------- DOWNLOAD file -------------------------- Pop Punk | Alternat...[Readmore]

A Skylite Drive - She Watched The Sky EP

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Tracklist: 1. Ability To Create A War 2. Drown The City 3. The All Star Diaries 4. Hey Nightmare, Where Did You Get Them Teeth? 5. The Past, The Love, The Memory 6. A Reason For Broken Wings 7. According To Columbus ------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD file ------------------------------------ Screamo | Post-hardcore | Experimen...[Readmore]

A Skylite Drive - Wires... And The Concep of Breathing

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Tracklist: 1. In the Beginning There Was Void 2. Knights of the Round 3. Wires and the Concept of Breathing 4. City on the Edge of Forever 5. Eris and Dysnomia 6. I'm Not a Thief, I'm a Treasure Hunter 7. My Disease 8....[Readmore]

Escape The Fate - Thre's No Sympathy For The Dead

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Tracklist: 1. Dragging Dead Bodies In Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills 2. There's No Sympathy For The Dead 3. The Ransom 4. As You're Falling Down 5. The Guillotine -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD file -------------------------------- Post-hardc...[Readmore]

Escape The Fate - Digging Is Your Latest Fashion

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Tracklist: 1. The Webs We Weave 2. When I Go Out, I Want to Go Out On a Chariot of Fire 3. Situations 4. The Guillotine 5. Reverse This Curse 6. Cellar Door 7. Theres No Sympathy for the Dead 8. My Apocalypse 9. Friends and Alibis 10. Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche 11. The Day I Left the Womb -------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD file -------------------------------------- Rock Alternat...[Readmore]

Underoath - The canging of Times

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Tracklist: 1. When The Sun Sleeps 2. Letting Go of Tonight 3. A Message For Adrienne 4. Never Meant to Break Your Heart 5. The Changing of Times 6. Angel Below 7. The Best of Me 8. Short of Daybreak 9. Alone in December 10. 814 Stops Today -------------------------- DOWNLOAD file -------------------------- Screa...[Readmore]

Underoath - They're Only Chasing Safety (Spesial Edition)

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Tracklist: 1. Young And Aspiring 2. A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black And White 3. The Impact of Reason 4. Reinventing Your Exit 5. The Blue Note 6. It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door 7. Down, Set, Go 8. I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today 9. I'm Content With Losing 10. Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape 11. I've Got Ten Friends And A Crowbar That Says You Ain't Gonna Do Jack (Bonus Track) 12. The 80's Song (Bonus Track) 13....[Readmore]

Underoath - Define The Great Line

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Tracklist: 1. In Regards to Myself 2. A Moment Suspended In Time 3. There Could Be Nothing After This 4. You're Ever So Inviting 5. Salmarnir 6. Returning Empty Handed 7. Casting Such A Thin Shadow 8. Moving For The Sake of Motion 9. Writing on The Walls 10. Everyone Looks So Good From Here 11. To Whom it May Concern ---------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD file ---------------------------------------------- Scre...[Readmore]

Underoath - Lost In The Sound of Separation

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Tracklist: 1. Breathing In A New Mentality 2. Anyone Can Dig A Hole But It Takes A Real Man To Call It Home 3. A Fault Line, A Fault Of Mine 4. Emergency Broadcast/The End Is Near 5. The Only Survivor Was Miraculously Unharmed 6. We Are The Involuntary 7. The Created Void 8. Coming Down Is Calming Down 9. Desperate Times, Desperate Measures 10. Too Bright To See, Too Loud To Hear 11. Desolate Earth/The End Is Here ----------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD...[Readmore]

Drop Dead Gorgeous - Worse Than a Fairy Tale

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Tracklist: Red or White Wine? Drawing the Devil The Pleasure to End All Pleasures Worse Than a Fairy Tale They'll Never Get Me (Word with You) It Sounded Like an Accident 45223 It's Pretty Hard to Beat the King Donner, Party of Five Saylor Lake Bye, Bye Blues (The Whole West Coast Is Ruined!) I Wanna Master The Art Of Life and Death ------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD file --------------------------------...[Readmore]

Drop Dead Gorgeous - INVOGUE

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Tracklist:Dressed for Friend Requests Girl, Are You on Your...? E.R. Well, I Never... Knife vs. Face: Round 1 Marietta Are You Happy? Fashion Your Seat Belts In Vogue Daniel, Where's the Boat? The Show Must Go On ---------------------------------- DOWNLOAD file ----------------------------------Post-hardco...[Readmore]

By Blood And Iron - Demo

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Tracklist: 1. Premonitions2. Ethnologic Atomization3. Throne of Putrescence DOWNLOAD file Death-Co...[Readmore]

Tekken 3

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Type : PSX game for PCGenre : Fighting Grafik : PS 1 Emulator : PSX 1.13 ----------------------------- Download file  [20.6Mb] ----------------------------- Play dengan : PSX Emulator PS...[Readmore]

Winning Eleven 9

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OS Support : Windows All Rekomendasi : Intel Pentium IV 1.4GHz processor 256 MB RAM 8X DVD-ROM Drive NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti, ATI Radeon 9600, or higher DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on Disc 1) Network(TCP/IP 1.5Mbps or higher) 3GB free hard disk space --------------------------------------------- ->Download file<-  [295Mb] IDWS --------------------------------------------- Opion file 2010-2011(Transit...[Readmore]

Final Fantasy VII : Dirge of Cerberus

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Dated Released : 22 August 2006Quality : DVDRipInfo : : Steve Blum, Kari WahlgrenGenre : Action | Adventure | Fantasy| Sci-Fi Trailer ->Download file<- (Sudah ada Hardsubnya xD...[Readmore]

Astro Boy

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Date Released : 23 October 2009Quality : R5 XviDInfo : : TrailerStarring : Nicolas Cage, Samuel L. J, Freddie HighmoreGenre : Animation | Action | Family | Sci-Fi Trailer ->Download file 700Mb (IDWS) ->Download Subtitle indo<...[Readmore]

Sillent Hill

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Date Released : 21 April 2006 Quality : DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND Info : Lihat : Trailer Starring : Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, Laurie Holden Genre : Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Thriller ->Download file<- ->Download Subtitle Indo<...[Readmore]

Kimi Ni Todoke Movie DVD Rip (2010)

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DOWNLOADPart1  Part2 ->Download Subtitle<...[Readmore]

Road Trip Ti Beer Pong (2009) DVD Rip

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->Download file<- ->Download Subtitle<...[Readmore]

Nuclear Strike

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Release: 1997Genre: ShooterDeveloper: Electronic ArtsLanguage: EnSize: 140 MB ->Download Game<...[Readmore]

Duke Nukem - Time To Kill

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Genre: ShooterDeveloper: n-SpaceLanguage: EnPlatform: PSSize: 166 MB ->Download Game<- Play Dengan : PSX - Emulator PS on...[Readmore]

Duke Nukem - Land Of The Babes

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Genre: ShooterDeveloper: n-SpaceLanguage: EnglishPlatform: PSXSize: 324 MB DOWNLOAD GAME Download Part1  Download Part2  Download Part3 Play dengan : PSX - Emulator PS on...[Readmore]

PSX - Dino Crisis 2 (High Compressed ) 82Mb

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->Download Game<-atau->Download Game<- Play dengan : PSX - Emulator PS on...[Readmore]

PSX - Harvest moon : Back to nature (High Ompressed 22 Mb)

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->Download Harvest Moon<- Play with : PSX - Emulator PS o...[Readmore]

PSX 1.13 Emulator PS one + bios

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Emulator | 5MB ->DOWNLOAD<- INFORMASI : 1. Unrar Emulator 2. Klik psxfin.exe 3. Klik file-configuration-Controller (ini untuk setting kontrol main nya) 4. Klik "file-load image" di psxfin.nya 5. Browse game yg ingin kamu mainkan 6. Play The Game...[Readmore]

25 To Life (Portable)

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25 To Life Portable l English l PC l Size 502 MB Publisher: Eidos InteractiveDeveloper: Avalanche SoftwareGenre: Modern ShooterRelease Date: Jan 17, 2006ESRB: MATURE INFORMASI .Sistem Requirement : ----------------------------------- Operating System : Windows 200/XP -Pentium 4   1.4GHz Processor -256MB RAM -26MB DirectX Compatible Vidoe Card -DirectX Compatible Sound Card -2.5GB Hard Disc Space -Keyboard --Mouse DOWNLOAD...[Readmore]

Shollym Patch 2011 (Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Patch)

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Shollym Patch 2011 (Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Patch). Merubah tampilan PES 6 Clasic yang jadul menjadi PES6 yang Cool. Update player musim ini. Merubah tampilan face pemain menjadi sangat mirip dengan pemain aslinya. Lapangan sepak bola yang lebih Gress dan lebih Fresh. Tambahan Score board, Artboard, Stadium, dll. dan lebih banyak lagi. Cekidot screenshot-nya, gan. option file 2010-2011 : ->Download disini<- Atau ->Download...[Readmore]


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Dated Released : 11 April 2009 Quality : DVDRip XviD Info : Lihat : Trailer Starring : Shun Oguri, Kyôsuke Yabe, Meisa Kuroki Genre : Action Sinopsis: Beberapa bulan setelah "Crows: 0 Episode" brews kesulitan lagi ketika preman yang dikenal sebagai "The Army of Killers" dari saingan sekolah Hosen tinggi Akademi mengancam Suzuran alias High School of Crows. Geng Hosen kejam pergi setelah alumni...[Readmore]


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Dated Released : October 2007 Quality : DVDRip Info : Lihat : Trailer Starring : Shun Oguri, Kyôsuke Yabe, Meisa Kuroki Genre : Action | Thriller Sinopsis : FILM CROWS ZERO diangkat dari sebuah manga jepang (crows) yang menceritakan seorang pemuda siswa (genji takiya) baru di sekolah suzuran, dia berambisi menguasai suzuran, dimana suzuran merupakan sekolah khusus laki-laki yang dihuni para siswa...[Readmore]

Five Minutes - Satu Hati

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Artist : Five Minutes Album : Satu Hati Release Date : 2010 Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. Apatis (Aku Hanya Bisa Mendengar)02. Aisah03. Sumpah Mati04. Satu Hati05. Aku Akan Pergi06. Pujaan Hati (new Persion)07. Aku Patut Membenci Dia08. Tak Merasa Bersalah09. Benarkah Cinta10. Hampa11. Selamat Tinggal (new version)12. Salam Terakhir (new version) -> Download Album<...[Readmore]

Five Minutes - Semua ini Sendiri

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Artist : Five Minutes Album : Semua ini Sendiri Release Date : 2009 Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. Teman Biasa 02. Ambilkan Bulan 03. Semakin Ku Kejar, Semakin Kau Jauh 04. Ternyata 05. Katakan Sebenarnya 06. Tanpa Ada Cinta 07. Aku Tergoda 08. Bersalah 09. Perih 10. Salah Apa ->Download Album<...[Readmore]

Five Minutes - Rockmantic

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Artist : Five Minutes Album : Rockmantic Release Date : 2007 Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. Menahan Perih 02. Bertahan 03. Tak Kan Rela 04. Bersalah 05. Bidadari 06. Tanpamu 07. Jangan Sakiti Aku 08. Masihkah Aku 09. Jauhi Dirinya 10. Benarkah Itu ->Download Album&l...[Readmore]

Five Minutes - Sekat

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Artist : Five Minutes Release Date : 2003 Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. Bila 02. Pujaan Hati 03. Direlung Hati 04. Terhempas 05. Bukan Untukmu 06. Rasa Cinta 07. Saat Dipelukmu 08. Tulus 09. Boneka 10. Terjerat Sepi Download Album...[Readmore]

Five Minutes - Self Titled (1995)

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Artist : Five Minutes Release Date : 1995 Language : Indonesia Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. ABG 02. Arti Dirimu 03. Beken 04. Berdansa 05. Kukembali 06. Salam Darimu 07. Selamat Tinggal 08. Terimakasih Download Al...[Readmore]


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Artist : Minoru Release Date : 2003 Language : Indonesia Genre : Pop Tracklist : 01. Sabtu Malam 02. Merindukanmu 03. Ku Ingin Kau Tahu 04. Sampai pada saat itu 05. Sejak Kau Tinggalkan 06. Hampa Sendiri 07.Jangan Pernah Sendiri 08. Tak Kan Kulupakan 09. Untuk Yang Terindah 10. Sebelum Kautidur 11. Silence 12. Semua Tentang Mu DOWNLOAD Album Password : brekeholic ...[Readmore]


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Artist : Garasi Release Date : 2006 Language : Indonesie | English Genre : Alternative Rock Tacklist : 01. Bukan 02. Hilang 03, Diam 04. Awakening 05. Ketika 06. Sendiri 07. Teriak 08. Hilang (Acoustic) 09. D.K.A.D Dahulu Kini Dan Akan Datang DOWNLOAD Al...[Readmore]

Bring Me The Horizon - Count Your Blessings

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Tracklist: 1. Pray For Plagues2. Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick3. For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only4. A Lot Like Vegas5. Black And Blue6. Slow Dance7. Liquor And Love Lost8. (I Used To Make Out With) Medusa9. 15 Fathoms And Counting10. Off The Heezay DOWNLOAD...[Readmore]
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